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Alien Gods 2019

Our civilization as we know it emerged as if by magic. For millennia ancient man hunted and gathered but, after thousands of generations, mankind suddenly settled down and as if from nowhere. Suddenly, complex tools, art, literature, agriculture, math, astronomy and massive monuments to the gods appear out of ancient Sumeria.
5.0/10 IMDb
Documentary This is all that I got from this. Propaganda for snake worship; he's saying that human beings all were created by reptile god beings or snake gods (reptilian). Ancient Aliens has much more information and is more fun to watch than this. This is just downright creepy with all the snakes and the single minded narrow mind of the narrator. He has a very vivid imagination who's ancient artifacts; many of the things in the beginning made a little sense but once he got into the reptilians he stayed with it and dhut his mind to other optins. I think he's just rooting for the snake people. I could do nothing but chuckle at this. Very poorly put together by the guy who's convinced that we come from snakes or a reptiles. Perhaps some do but I think there's many other beings that created the human race not just one. Just ask the Peiladians. :D kidding :)